Summer Job 2023: Ideas and Advice You Shouldn’t Miss

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Summer break is the moment for other young people to look for summer jobs to help with finances and earn experience. If you’re still looking for things to do during your free time this summer break, you might as well apply for a summer job. 

Don’t know what summer job to take? We got you covered. Don’t know how to handle and survive a summer job? We have some tips for you! We also have a secret hack for you at the end (Hint: You can earn $200.).

Now, take a deep breath, a notepad, and sit tight as we get to business.

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10 Summer Break Job Ideas

Still, wondering what type of job to take this summer break? Here is the list of possible jobs to apply for.

  1. House Sitter

Are you looking for a low-stress type of summer job? This is the perfect job for you. House sitting means you will be responsible for the minor chores while the owner is away on vacation. Possible job responsibilities are: watering plants, cleaning, receiving mail and packages, and securing the house. 

  1. Handyperson

Summer break is also when many homeowners decide to do extensive renovations such as building fences, painting rooms, and repairing plumbing issues. You will definitely like this job if you’re competent with tools and can improve things. Possible job responsibilities: repairing bikes, washing cars, and fixing walls.

  1. Restaurant Server

Many restaurants have resumed their services after months of coping amidst the pandemic. This opens up opportunities for those who lost their jobs and are still looking for one. Restaurants offer either part-time or full-time employment, and working with one also increases your chances of being their regular employee even after the summer break. 

  1. Summer Intern 

The best way for students and young professionals to get valuable experience is by applying through internships. Taking summer internships helps open up the door to opportunities to be hired by top companies. You will learn crucial skills and make meaningful connections with peers and mentors. 

  1. Summer Camp Counselor

Probably one of the most popular and enjoyable summer jobs is being a summer camp counselor. You’ll get to travel to different places and lead fun activities. Being a summer camp counselor helps you build different kinds of skills and stay physically fit. 

  1. Tutor/Online Tutor

If you feel comfortable working with children and have a good amount of patience, try to apply as a tutor. This school year has been a challenging academic year, and most of the children need a bit of a recap of what they have learned.

  1. Technology or Digital Assistant 

No one knows how to use the latest technology other than teens and young adults. You can also use this skill to land yourself a decent job, such as Technology Assistant to those who need help with minor computer issues, editing pictures or videos, and installing some desktop applications. 

  1. Pet Care

If you are an animal lover, you will get to enjoy what you love and earn at the same time by applying as a pet care worker. The possible job responsibility of a pet care worker is taking the pet for a walk, feeding, and grooming them.

  1. Cooking/Baking

Baking and home-cooked meals can be a good source of money this summer break. You can also apply as an assistant baker if you’re still seeking to improve your skills. Aside from giving you a reasonable income, it can also be a form of meditation and a way to practice your creativity.

  1. Freelancing

In freelancing, you can take jobs such as typing jobs, virtual assistants, answering a survey, graphic design, and more from the comfort of your home. Be careful, though, and look out for scammers and make sure to perform in-depth research first.

How To Handle A Summer Job

Nothing is ever easy, especially something that is alien to you. To help you survive your summer job, we compiled a list of tips on how to handle it.

  1. Be Friendly to Your Coworkers

You don’t have to be close to them initially, but a simple smile or greeting can go a long way. Do not treat them as your competition, even if they may be. Your coworkers can make or break your summer job experience, so staying on their good side is better. Besides, that’s basic human etiquette.

  1. Keep Your Peace and Dignity

Do not be afraid to call out rude customers, especially if they are obviously and lawfully wrong. But, remember to keep your composure and strive to be calm. They may be going through hardships or are genuinely in need of assistance.

  1. Take Your Summer Job Seriously

A summer job may last just a few months, but your dedication to it will stay with you for a long time. You may also get recommendations from your summer job boss for your future career. So, do your summer job well.

It is also noteworthy to observe dress codes. Or, just stay presentable when going to your summer job.

  1. Don’t Whine

Unless it needs to be said, keep your thoughts and complaints about your summer job to yourself. It is also not a good idea to rant about your boss and coworkers on social media. Remember that you are trying something new, so make it a priority to try adjusting first.

  1. Stay Professional

As much as possible, avoid gossip and other unprofessional activities while at your summer job. Not only work experience can stay with you for a long time, but also misconduct.

6 Benefits Of Having A Summer Job

Besides the expected benefit of pay and experience, here are some more benefits of having a summer job that will encourage you to send those applications later.

  1. Learn Managing Your Finances

A summer job at a young age can give you access to pay and freedom on how to save and spend it. When your money comes from a hard day at work, you will see the value of being thrifty.

You’ll also learn how to budget and invest your money, a necessary skill when you become an adult.

  1. Get Transferable Skills

Whether you were a babysitter, lemonade seller, or crew at local fast food, the skills you learned from these summer jobs are transferable to your dream job or even across many facets of your life. A summer job can help you gain hard skills a university can’t teach you.

  1. Better Rejection Acceptance

It is painful to be rejected at the moment you were least expecting. You will get rejected a few times while looking for a summer job or being in a work environment. The good news is that this will help you toughen up for the “real” deal after graduating and in life.

  1. Learn Work Ethic

Although school and work rules do not differ far from each other, they still have significant distinctions. When you expose yourself to a summer job, you will learn work ethics which can be a big plus to know when you already have a career.

  1. Learn Time Management

Taking on a summer job can greatly add to your hectic schedule as a student and a growing human needing care. But, this helps you to improve your time management skills. You may also learn how to plan ahead and organize effectively to fit everything into 24 hours.

  1. Widens Your Social/Professional Circle

As you reach out into the career world, you will also work with different kinds of people. Take this opportunity to expand your social and professional circle. Make connections with people that might help you with future recommendations and references. Who knows? Your current babysitting job boss may be your next coworker at a company!

Video On Summer Job 2023: Ideas and Advice You Shouldn’t Miss

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Summer break is a great time to go out, have fun, take a vacation, and unwind. Still, it is also a perfect time to take a step and build experiences that will serve as your weapon in the future. One last tip: If you think taking summer jobs will earn you lots of knowledge and skills, do it. Avoid wasting opportunities to be better in every aspect of your life.

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