4 Types of Sentences in Grammar- Our Best Specialist’s Explanation Of Their Types & Rules

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Communication is an integral part of writing. Clear communication is essential for both students and professionals. You must convey your thoughts and ideas clearly and precisely, whether you are typing an e-mail or writing a report. Writing complete sentences is one way to ensure effective communication.

Moreover, learning the purpose of each sentence you write is the foundation of a compelling write-up. In other words, sentences are tools that, when used correctly, can clarify your intentions in the write-up.

So, how does one use the sentences in the right way?

Simple, by understanding what a sentence is, how it is written, what types of sentences are there, and other related things. 

What Are The 4 Types of Sentences?

There are basically four types of sentences in English – declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. 

All these sentences accomplish a specific task or function. Understanding and employing various types of sentences can add curiosity to the writing and communicate the ideas clearly.

Declarative Sentences:

Also known as declarative statements, this sentence is the most common sentence that can be found in English. One can employ these sentences to furnish facts, make a statement, or convey information. 

Interrogative Sentence:

This is a type of sentence that poses a question. An interrogative sentence can begin with or without pronouns, be direct or indirect, and include yes-or-no interrogatives, tag questions, or alternative questions.

Imperative Sentence:

An imperative sentence basically expresses a direct command, request, invitation, warning, or instruction.

Exclamatory Sentence:

Also known as an exclamation sentence or an exclamative clause, an exclamatory sentence express strong emotions. 

What Is A Declarative Sentence?

The basic type of sentence is a declarative sentence. It is used to convey information and is punctuated with a period. One must write these in the present tense and generally end with a period. In most cases, the subject comes before the verb.

Declarative Sentence Examples

Examples Of Simple Declarative Sentences:

  • The girl walked home.
  • I love ice cream.
  • My father is a doctor.

Examples Of Compound Declarative Sentences:

  • She wants to eat cookies but doesn’t know how to make them.
  • We plan to visit Florida and spend a day at Disneyworld.
  • John doesn’t know how to play the guitar, so he’s taking music lessons.

What Is An Interrogative Sentence?

Interrogative sentences inquire (or interrogate). These are direct questions with a question mark at the end of the sentence. For instance, “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” “which,” “whose,” and “whom” are examples of “wh” words. 

Auxiliary verbs can also be used in interrogative sentences, such as “Did she mean to sound so angry?” The auxiliary verb (or helping verb) “did” here turns the sentence “she meant to sound so angry” into a question.

Interrogative Sentence Examples

  • Why did the dog bark?
  • Whose cat is that?

Interrogative Compound Sentences:

  • Who are those people, and why are they here?
  • How much does this phone cost, and why do you need it?
  • I don’t know her home phone number, so can you call her cell phone?

What Is An Imperative Sentence?

Imperative sentences direct someone to take action. These can be cordial suggestions, basic instructions, or even more coercive commands. Many sentences of this type end with periods, but some of the more fervent demands may conclude with an exclamation point to emphasize the emotion.

Imperative Sentence Examples

  • Turn right at the bridge.
  • Stop pestering me!

Compound Imperative Sentence Examples

  • Switch off your cell phone and hear me out!
  • There was a mishap, but don’t worry.
  • Please order me food or pick it up for me.

What Is An Exclamatory Sentence?

Exclamatory sentences convey strong feelings. They are the same as declarative sentences wherein they provide information, however instead of a period, they end with an exclamation point. These sentences usually end with an exclamation mark or an exclamation point. These types of sentences are suitable in casual settings, and they should be avoided in all forms of formal writing, including academic writing.

Exclamatory Sentence Examples

  • Wow, she just won a gold medal!

Compound Exclamatory Sentence Examples

  • Ross didn’t think she’d get into Harvard, but she was just accepted!
  • My new job is a fantastic opportunity, and it offers excellent advantages!
  • We knew you wanted to visit Italy, so we bought you a ticket!
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Different Sentence Types Used in Writing

Although declarative sentences are unquestionably the most widely known sentence type, using them exclusively can result in dull writing. When you include only declarative sentences in a paragraph, it’ll sound flat. However, you’ll get a more engaging paragraph when you use various types of sentences, such as imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory. 

Whenever you are writing a creative or informal piece, use different sentences to give a friendly or causal tone to your write-up. But, in the case of formal writing, exercise caution. Declarative sentences are an appropriate choice for expository writing.

How To Choose The Right Type of Sentence?

Your intention determines the type of sentence you use in your writing. Using the following guidelines, determine what you want to tell:

  • Use a declarative sentence to convey information or to respond to a question.
  • Choose an interrogative sentence to ask a direct question.
  • Use an imperative sentence to tell someone what to do.
  • Use an exclamatory sentence to convey emotion (but use these sparingly).


Better comprehension and correct application of all four types of sentences will benefit your writing. Knowing different sentence types can help you make your sentences more and avoid perplexity in the write-up. Refer to this article to develop a fantastic, creative, engaging article. 

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