Of Mice And Men Loneliness Essay

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By Shanelle O.
Published Apr 13, 2023

Loneliness can be experienced in many different ways. It may come from the loss of a loved one, feelings of isolation or even the lack of meaningful relationships with others.

Additionally, it can prevent us from being able to participate in activities we once enjoyed or even managing everyday tasks like going to work or school. It can also be brought on by the stress and demands placed upon us through our daily lives, as well as feelings of insecurity or inadequacy.

In order for someone to overcome this emotional state, they must first identify the root cause and then work towards it in a positive way. This could involve talking more openly about their problems, seeking support from friends or family members, or even taking up activities that bring joy into their life such as yoga or journaling.

George is an important character in John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men. He is a migrant worker who has traveled from place to place looking for work. Despite his nomadic existence, he manages to find solace in the companionship of his friend Lennie.

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As George’s dream of having his own place and living with Lennie slowly fades away, so does their friendship. This relationship is especially evident through Candy who has been isolated from other workers due to his old age.

In Macbeth, Lady Macbeth’s loneliness drives her to manipulate and push Macbeth into killing King Duncan. In Othello, Iago finds solace in deceiving Othello out of jealousy because he feels alone after being passed over for a promotion. The negative feelings that arise from being alone not only hinder relationships between people, but can also lead to violence or destruction within society if left unchecked.

George had become increasingly lonely and desperate as he has been unable to find a steady job that would provide enough money for him and Lennie to realize their dream of owning a farm. As the novel progresses, George’s loneliness only intensifies as he continues to feel an obligation towards Lennie even though it is becoming increasingly difficult for them both.

His need for companionship becomes clearer when Candy offers to contribute money towards his and Lennie’s plan, saying “I ain’t much good with on’y one hand…Maybe I could go in with you fellas” (Steinbeck 74). This was George’s opportunity to end his loneliness by taking someone else into account but instead chose not to accept Candy’s offer out of fear that something bad will happen or that it would interfere in their current plan.

Moreover, being a migrant worker also gave George no sense of belonging. He and Lennie were often seen as outsiders because they did not have any family or friends in the areas that they traveled to. This further increased their feelings of isolation and loneliness, which resulted in their desperation for companionship and acceptance from people around them.

As Steinbeck wrote, “They had to have a place where nobody can get at them” (Steinbeck 8). By this statement, he implied that George and Lennie needed some kind of privacy away from other people who could possibly cause harm to them; they wanted safety but never found it due to their lifestyle as migrant workers.

After Lennie and George parted ways, George was filled with a sense of loss. He no longer had someone to talk to or rely on in the ranch life. The loneliness that he felt is an emotional burden that weighs heavy on him and can be seen throughout the novel.

This lack of companionship, along with his experiences of being continuously mistreated by people like Curley, further isolates him from society as a whole. He seeks solace when talking to Slim, who understands how hard it is for George living this difficult lifestyle– but even then there’s still a disconnect between them due to their social ranking within the ranch hierarchy.

Loneliness is a major theme in the novel, and we see George’s loneliness even more during his time at the ranch. He finds solace among those with whom he can talk to about life from time to time, but it was never enough for him.

Despite being surrounded by people, George still felt isolated, because of how different he was from them all; plus, there were certain things that only Lennie could understand due to their close friendship. This further reinforces just how lonely George really feels when separated from Lennie and also serves as an example of why having true companionship is so important – something which has been lacking in George’s life up until that point.

This newfound loneliness of George was so powerful that it made him question his own existence in life. He no longer had anyone to share the things he wanted or needed and this realization drove him into an even deeper state of isolation.

After Lennie’s death, George felt a strange emptiness inside of himself; he was now completely alone, a man without purpose or meaning in his life. This feeling of sudden solitude affected him deeply and left an indelible mark on his character going forward.

No longer will he wake up to the same old sunrise, nor will he hear the same melodious songbirds that used to bring him joy. His life has become a black and white existence: no colors, no emotions, just an endless cycle of monotony and frustration. He sits in his chair for hours on end with nothing but time and thoughts to occupy himself with. He reminisces of better days; days when laughter filled his home and the streets were paved with possibility.

But those memories are slowly fading away as if they had never existed at all. George knows that it’s too late now; there is no going back from here. The only thing left is acceptance of this new reality – one where happiness is merely a distant memory, like wisps of smoke evaporating in the sky until nothing remains but loneliness and despair.

George’s solitude was so extreme that he could no longer bear it and had to seek out companionship. Curley’s wife, on the other hand, was trapped in a marriage she loathed with a husband who never gave her affection or attention.

Crooks experienced loneliness as well due to his racial status; he felt isolated from those around him because of his skin color and ultimately found solace by living alone in a barn away from everyone else. The sense of isolation each character feels serves to illustrate how profoundly real this emotion truly is and how it can affect one’s life drastically if not addressed properly.

Her plight evoked sympathy from many readers as they could feel the hopelessness and desperation emanating from her every word. This further emphasizes how powerful loneliness can be, even when it affects someone who appears to have everything: beauty, money, power. Despite all these advantages, she still felt alone in the world with no real friends or family members to turn to for comfort or support.

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Life,Literature, Emotions and Feelings


Book Review

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