Personal Values On Which Lifes Are Built On

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By Anonymous
Published Dec 15, 2022

Personal values are defined by a person’s actions and words. They define the whole life of an individual. Personal values differ from person to person, because they’re inherited from experiences and the environment in which someone is raised. There is no one right or wrong value for everyone; what one person may consider correct might not suit another. Below we’ve listed some of the personal values that help guide our life in a way that helps makes sense to us.


If you think it’s important for people to be who they are and express themselves authentically, then you’ll appreciate the unique perspective. In today’s world, we’re tempted by outside factors that try to tell us what to think and do. It’s vital to find your passion and stay true to that goal rather than getting carried away with external ideas.


We believe that we only live once and we need to make the most of it. Over time, we’ve understood that it’s the memories and fun moments you have from your life that come with you every time. It is important to be successful professionally but how many times have we said about an achievement when someone asked for our best memory? As long as whatever we are doing in our life has a fun element, we should enjoy it.


Another personal value we consider most important is love in the context of passion, dedication, and respect for the human race. We believe that our fellow humans deserve to be cared for, which is why we know it’s our responsibility to be better people. It’s because of the love and respect we have for others that makes us a better person when someone says to us they want to care about us too. As a human, we want our family and friends to love us as much as we care about them and want others to do the same. That being said, if we really love each other and care for those around us, we can make good decisions about important monetary issues.


We work hard to deliver on our promises. Even if we make mistakes, we want to know about them so we can learn and grow. Our previous boss taught us that nothing is more important than one’s reputation in the industry/organization they work in. It takes a long time to build your reputation, but it can be broken down in just a few seconds.

Treating others with respect and deserved dignity

We were taught at a very young age that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity. Even if someone doesn’t have the most prestigious of positions or the highest level of social status, it’s important to treat people kindly and respectfully. 

Let’s consider one case, if the misidentified person was in a hospital and they were misidentified as a doctor while they were actually a patient would they feel awkward, or do they feel glad that an anonymous person has identified them as a doctor? Our argument is not that we are treating buying mall employees and doctors differently. We want to build a conversation of respect, rather than one of hatred and division. Instead of focusing on the ideologies that are deep-rooted in every person, we need to focus on helping people understand that every fellow human deserves to be treated with the same rights and dignity as another.

We consider our personal values to be our core values and the qualities that we want to add value to the work environment. In light of our abovementioned characteristics, we would like to implement these values in our own organization as well as institute them in its work culture. Evaluating myself, we can relate a happy work-life balance with efficiency and productivity. As an organizational leaders, we want our employees and company to follow these values too.

Organizational leaders must be able to love their company and customers in order to continue providing high-quality service. If they don’t, they won’t be able to give their work the dedication it requires. For these reasons, it’s important for organizational leaders to know how to keep their authenticity.

It is important that a leader identifies and safeguards the reputation of their company. Whatever crosses the line in terms of rules of operations, they should investigate it to understand what they were doing wrong and how they can prevent such mistakes from happening again.

Ultimately, there’s a balance to be found between personal values and organizational goals. That balance sometimes means that staff members must sacrifice their personal values in favor of organizational goals. Every individual is ultimately responsible for that tradeoff, just as it’s the leader’s responsibility to make one.

An entity’s authenticity is an important value it must build upon. It’s the credibility of a company among the clients that will lead to success or failure. Though a company can operate in uncertainty, it is crucial for its leader to identify what he/she can promise. It’s always okay to overpromise and deliver – but over-promising and then not delivering will be detrimental to any stakeholder.

It’s a great time to be in business, but that doesn’t mean that every new practice is a good one. In fact, you should be careful with the changes you make to your company and its culture.

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Personal Growth and Development, Values


Life Experiences, Myself

Academic Level





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Personal Growth and Development, Values


Life Experiences, Myself

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