How To Write A Discursive Essay: An Awesome Template To Follow

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A discursive essay is an essay that explores a particular topic from multiple points of view. It can be used to introduce a controversial subject, explain the different sides of the argument, and ultimately come to a conclusion about which side is correct. Although it may seem daunting at first, writing a discursive essay doesn’t have to be difficult if you break down the process into manageable steps.

What Is A Discursive Essay?

The aim of a discursive paper is to explore the various angles of a given topic, with each argument supported by evidence. In this type of assignment, you will have to explain the reasons behind your opinion and back them up with facts and evidence.

Types Of Discursive Essays

Discursive essays discuss the various angles of a topic without necessarily taking sides. Here are certain types of discursive essays:

Opinion Essays: When writing an opinion essay, it is essential to consider the audience. Understanding the reader’s perspective can help make your arguments more believable and persuasive.

For and Against Essay: In the main body of a For and Against essay, two distinct points of view should be presented clearly.

A solution-providing essay: This kind of essay requires thorough research and careful analysis. Before writing, a writer should clearly understand the problem and try to find information about its causes and possible solutions.

Discursive Essay Intro

The introduction of the discursive essay should set realistic expectations. Presenting facts without any value judgments is critical to avoid bias in your work. The readers need to understand that they are going to learn something new and not read an opinion piece of someone’s subjective thoughts. An essay introduction can be livened up with a quote or some other element of surprise – something that will draw the reader’s attention and make them interested in further reading. Be sure to research everything ahead of time, so you don’t overlook anything significant related to the issue at hand.

Discursive Essay Structure

The body of the essay should be divided into distinct paragraphs, each with its own point to make. Make sure that all the points you bring up are supported by evidence and facts. In discursive thesis essays, it is essential to include both sides of the argument in a balanced manner. Use examples for clarification if needed and explain why one opinion is more valid than another.

It is important to summarize and write a conclusion. This will help readers understand your main point better while also presenting them with an overall idea about what they have just read in terms of ideas or topics covered. Lastly, end off with a conclusion that leaves readers thinking about their own thoughts on this topic!

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What Is The Best Way To Write An Impactful Discursive Essay?

The body of the essay should be divided into distinct paragraphs, each with its own point to make. Make sure that all the points you bring up are supported by evidence and facts. Use examples for clarification if needed and explain why one opinion is more valid than another.

Try to structure it in a way that it presents arguments on both sides – for and against the statement. You need to be objective while evaluating any evidence or facts that you present within this section. Additionally, try to provide real-life examples as much as possible when making an argument for or against a statement.

In the conclusion of discursive thesis essays, reiterate your stance on the issue and summarise what has been discussed throughout the essay. This will help readers understand your main point better while also presenting them with an overall idea about what they have just read in terms of ideas or topics covered. Lastly, end off with a conclusion that leaves readers thinking about their own thoughts on this topic!

Discussion Essay Topics

The topics can cover a range of issues from sports to politics, from economics to social issues. It is important that you take the time to select a topic that interests you and one which will provide an interesting discussion.

1. Should schools adopt a policy of no homework?

2. Is the internet a blessing or curse?

3. Should we have stricter gun control laws in the US?

4. Are standardized tests an accurate measure of intelligence?

5. How can we reduce bullying in schools?

6. Does social media have a positive or negative impact on society?

7. What is the best way to address global warming and climate change? 

8. Is gender inequality still an issue today, and how can it be tackled effectively? 

9. Do video games promote violence in youth and adults alike, or are they beneficial for mental health purposes? 

10. Should genetically modified foods be consumed by humans regularly, if at all at all?

11. Should public transport be free for all?

12. Is there too much pressure on students to succeed in the modern educational system?

13. Should animal testing be banned when alternatives are available?

14. Are video games beneficial or detrimental to our mental health?

15. How should we address the issue of climate change and global warming?

16. Should genetically modified food products be labeled as such in supermarkets? 

17. Is it ethical to use reproductive technologies like IVF, surrogacy, and cloning? 

18. What is the impact of social media on relationships nowadays? 

19. Should employers have access to information about their employees’ private lives outside work hours?  

20. Is standardized testing an effective tool for assessing academic performance among pupils/students?


When you have chosen your discursive essay topic, you must begin to prepare for the task of researching. Researching carefully is essential in order to create a well-informed, balanced essay that presents an argument without swaying too far toward one side or another. Try to research from multiple sources and look beyond articles about the subject matter itself so as not to be influenced by bias. Doing this will ensure your essay is thorough, fair, and objective. Good luck!

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