How To Write A Thesis Statement: A Step by Step Guide

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You will undoubtedly write a few essays during your academic career as a student. It is also anticipated that you write other scholarly papers. Writing becomes increasingly crucial as you advance in your job. Your work will be dull if you don’t know how to develop a thesis statement. As a result, a thesis statement serves as a guide for all of your work.

Depending on the essay style you’re writing, your thesis will vary. However, the thesis statement should always state the significant point you wish to highlight. The entirety of the essay should revolve around this core concept. A strong thesis statement is an essential component of any essay. Nothing else will matter if your work lacks a clear thesis.

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The thesis statement is the first part of your paper on which you will be evaluated. You will lose your reader if your point is not clear and straightforward. Early in the writing process, it would help if you came up with an initial thesis, often known as a working thesis. After choosing your essay topic, you’ll need to figure out a clear thesis to give your essay structure and focus.

Given the importance of a thesis statement, it’s a good idea to read through this guide to developing a powerful thesis statement for academic papers. You’ll be set for life after reading our step-by-step guide to developing a thesis statement.

What Is A Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is one or two phrases at the beginning of your essay that tell your reader what your paper’s core topic is and maps out the supporting information. The thesis statement will help readers connect your essay’s subtopics to your central idea, and it will help you focus your work.

The final paragraph of the introductory paragraph contains a thesis statement. In a nutshell, it serves as a compass or a map for your entire essay. The purpose of a thesis statement in an essay is to inform the readers about the article’s topic. It also serves as a writing guide, ensuring that the attention remains on the argument.

How Long Is A Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is not always one or two sentences long. The essay’s depth determines its length. Some essays may require more than one sentence to be written. However, in the final draft of the essay, the statement should be as clear and concise as possible.

A concise thesis statement adds strength to the essay or research paper. It also highlights the writer’s writing and comprehension prowess. Thus, it is critical to be aggressive and confident, especially in argumentative essays.

Why Should An Essay Have A Thesis Statement?

The essential purpose of the thesis statement is to:

  • Assist you in organizing your essay’s topic sentences.
  • Make it easy for the audience/readers to understand the main points.
  • Examine the essay’s concepts.
  • Ensure that the essay has a logical flow.

What Are The Different Types Of Thesis Statements?

There are two types of thesis statements you will face when writing essays or research papers:

  • An evaluation thesis is utilized when the principal argument is about an object, person, or event.
  • When the fundamental goal of the essay is to expound on an opinion, policy proposal, analysis, or cause and effect statement, an argumentative thesis is utilized.

Based on this differentiation, thesis statements are divided into the following categories:

Analytical Thesis Statements

An analytical essay investigates a topic. As the author of this form of paper, you must first identify the topic before breaking it down and evaluating one part of it. An analytical thesis statement identifies the topic to be investigated and demonstrates how it will be dissected.

It would be best to determine the topic when writing a paper that requires you to compose an analytical thesis statement. Following that, you separate several features before concluding with a topic evaluation. An analytical thesis statement introduces the topic to be discussed and then offers a solution to the problem.

Analytical thesis statements are most commonly employed in science and math courses where data is analyzed. Analytical thesis statements are usually linked to specific research or literature, unlike persuasive thesis statements, primarily factual.

Although these forms of statements appear to be more challenging to utilize in academic writing, an experienced writer can readily use them to draw the reader’s attention to interrelationships that are not very evident. These types of statements also force you, as the writer, to analyze things from a fresh perspective, which is critical in advanced writing. 

Expository Thesis Statements

An expository thesis statement is simply based on facts. It doesn’t include personal beliefs or assertions that aren’t backed up by proof. Instead, it informs the reader about the essay’s topic and highlights the important issues that will be discussed. Expository thesis statements are also known as explanatory thesis statements. 

You explain a topic to the audience in an expository essay. You must pick which aspects of your issue are the most significant and then explain them in the body of the paper. The expository thesis statement lays out the various facets of the issue explored in chronological sequence.

Argumentative Thesis Statements

An argumentative thesis statement, unlike an explanatory thesis statement, allows the writer to take a stand on a topic and persuade readers of their point of view. In the body of the argumentative essay, the writer offers examples and other evidence to back up his or her point of view.

As its name implies, an argumentative essay develops an argument by taking a position on a topic. The argument is based on this viewpoint and the claims that support it. A claim is a term for the “position” you take. Your assertion and how your work will support it are stated in an argumentative thesis statement.

How To Write A Thesis Statement?

Begin with a question

The first step in drafting a thesis statement is to research your essay’s topic. Suppose your project does not include a question, then attempt to come up with one on your own. The purpose of an essay is to provide information to the reader. You must determine what the primary question of the essay will be. 

Starting with a question about your topic is the most fantastic way to start an essay or academic paper. Think in terms of what you want to learn or determine about the subject or topic. Your research will be much easier, and your writing will be much more precise if you have a research question.

Decide on the main points

Decide what your central point will be and write it down. Simply state what you are trying to say in your essay in this initial step. To put it another way, you must make your key argument. That is how you begin your thesis statement.

Make the first draft of your response

After you’ve posted your query, you’ll need to research to get the answer. It could take anywhere between a couple of hours or a few days, depending on the scope of your essay. The goal of such exhaustive research is to come up with some answers to your initial inquiries. 

You can create a tentative response to this topic after some preliminary study. It can be simple at this point, and it should lead the research and writing process. It’s okay if your original research question changes as you learn more about your issue. Until you begin the writing process, nothing is set in stone.

If you’re writing an argumentative essay, your response should take a stand on one side of the debate. Take the following thesis statements as an example:

  1. In terms of education, the internet has had a better than negative impact. 
  2. More people got access to the information after the printing press was invented.
  3. Shelley portrays Victor Frankenstein in a negative light.

Write your answer

Now you must think about why you choose this solution and how you will persuade your reader to agree with you. Your response should get more elaborate as you learn more about your topic and begin writing. 

The final thesis statement explains your whole argument rather than simply stating your position. The thesis in our article on the internet and education expresses our perspective and sketches out the major points.

Improve and improvise the thesis statement

You can deviate from your original point of view as you learn more about the subject. It is vital to assess your work once you have finished your study or essay and are ready to change. Each paragraph must in some way link to the thesis statement. Otherwise, your reader will dismiss it as unrelated information.

Top Tips For Drafting A Solid Thesis Statement

Understand the topic

The subject should be something you are familiar with or can learn about easily. Writing a thesis statement, let alone a paper, on a topic you have no prior knowledge of can be challenging. Reflecting on personal experience and/or conducting research will assist you in learning more about your issue. You will be able to articulate the information better if you have a better understanding of the topic. 

Write about a topic you know

Limit your topic to a narrow area based on what you know and the length of your final paper. An enormous scope usually necessitates a lengthier paper, but a small scope of work can usually be demonstrated with a shorter paper.


If you’re having problems starting your assignment or crafting your thesis, write down anything that comes to mind concerning your topic on a piece of paper. Have you formulated any fresh ideas or connections? Is it possible to categorize the items you wrote down? Do you see any common threads? Consider using the ideas you’ve gathered thus far to help you craft your thesis statement and your conclusion

A Handy Checklist To Create A Strong Thesis Statement

During your final revision and proofreading, keep this checklist in mind as it will help you organize your content:

  1. Does my thesis statement expose readers to the essay’s main argument or claim?
  2. Will this theory spark debates or debates? Is it possible to oppose it? Is it only a statement of fact?
  3. Is my thesis challenging to understand? Is it too broad? Is it possible to make it more specific for readers?
  4. Does my thesis serve as a guide for the essay? Is it the basis for the essay’s discussion of the topics?
  5. Is it evident that the essay’s progression is related to the thesis statement?
  6. Are my thesis statement’s word choices correct? Are all of the words being utilized correctly? Is it possible to strengthen the phrase by removing superfluous words?
  7. If I’m writing a research paper, does my thesis put the essay and reader into a larger, contemporary scholarly discourse?
  8. Is the final modification of the thesis statement something that I believe would grab a reader’s interest?

Video Tutorial On How To Write A Thesis Statement


A strong thesis statement should be concise, unambiguous, and precise. It will set the tone for the paper, and you must make your perspective on the topic apparent to the reader. Always begin with a research question and work your way up to a proclamation backed up by evidence gathered during the research process.

You’ll be better prepared for your next writing task once you’ve mastered the technique of crafting an effective thesis statement. You can brush up on your academic writing skills by learning how to write an essay using best practices from this guide. Keep in mind that every piece of material in your essay must be tied to the thesis statement.

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