Research Paper Outline -Organized Guide On How To Write, Structure & Outline with Examples

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Making research paper outlines will ease the entire writing procedure, whether you’re working on an academic assignment, a scholarship application, or a piece of writing. No matter the size or difficulty, research papers outline to aid in organizing your thoughts. Investing time in developing this talent will benefit you across your education and in some employment.

This post will go through how to write a good research paper outline for productive and well-organized assignments, papers, and articles.

How To Write A Research Paper Outline?

Composing a research paper outline entails organizing your ideas and organizing your article logically. Here’s a step-by-step procedure for creating an excellent research paper outline:

Select a Topic:

Pick a research subject that piques your curiosity and corresponds to the demands of the task or course of study.

Analyze the Needs:

Learn about the standards and regulations set out by your teacher or school. This will assist you in determining the parts and formatting approach for your outline.

Perform Preliminary Research:

Perform preliminary research on your issue to obtain a basic idea before drafting. Determine the significant notions, hypotheses, and resources that will be used to inform your paper.

Create a Thesis Statement:

Create a thesis statement that represents your study’s objective in a simple and transparent way. It should be particular, arguable, and relevant to your paper’s subject.

Organize main sections: Based on the scope of your study and the demands of your project, split your paper into crucial components. Common components are beginning, Research Review, Techniques, Findings, Discussion, and Closure.

Arrange data: Arrange the material along with the backing evidence in an order that makes sense for each part. Make sure your thoughts flow easily and logically.

Offer Major Points: Add concise notes or phrases that convey the central concept or argument you plan to make within every section. These points will be used as a guideline when drafting the paper.

Revise and refine: Revise your outline as needed to increase simplicity, consistency, and organization. Make sure there is an orderly progression from one part to the next.

Finalize the outline: Once you’re pleased with the layout and subject matter of your outline, document it in the appropriate style (e.g., APA, MLA). If necessary, provide any extra parts like citations or appendices.

How To Format A Research Paper Outline?

The research paper outline comes in three distinct types, i.e., complete sentence, alphanumeric, and decimal. Let’s go through the significant differences related to the tonality of writing and formatting.


This is the most frequent format used by writers when working on their outlines. It makes use of capitalized letters, Arabic and Roman numerals, and lowercase letters for organizing the data flow. Brief notes are used instead of whole phrases to write the content.


Similar to the alphanumeric outline, the content is presented in whole phrases instead of small notes.


This format is similar to the alphanumeric but has various numbering processes such as 2, 2.1, 2.2, etc. The text is provided in the form of minor remarks instead of entire sentences.

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Example Of A Research Paper Outline

In most circumstances, you will not submit your outline. As a result, it’s fine to change it as frequently as needed. Although a carefully designed outline with parallel sections appears good, its primary job is to assist you in writing. It is less vital to keep a uniform design and structure than it is to use the components that are most useful to you.

The following is an instance of a publication that argues that following a ketogenic eating plan may lessen the occurrence of particular illnesses. Several themes may be extended into distinct paragraphs in this scenario. A full-sentence parallel framework is used.

  1. Doctors have begun to look at nutrition as a possible cause of disorders, including seizures, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and insulin in the US.
  1. Insulin resistance, seizures, and multiple sclerosis are becoming more common in the United States, as per the Journal of Health Statistics.
  1. The ketogenic diet is rich in lipids, mild in protein, and relatively low in carbohydrates.
  1. Thesis

The ketogenic diet reduces the chances of ailments by managing sugar levels and minimizing the intake of junk foods and protein.

II. Body Paragraphs 1

A. The ketogenic diet effectively assists followers in regulating their blood sugar levels.

B. Excessive intake of carbohydrates has a detrimental impact on blood sugar and is associated with particular illnesses.

III. Body Paragraph 2

A. Lastly, the ketogenic diet may prevent the development of illness by lowering the intake of protein.

B. A high protein diet could lead to illness.

  • Excessive intake of protein is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

C. The ketogenic diet limits protein intake.

IV. Conclusion

A. In a nutshell, the ketogenic diet may minimize illness by lowering the amount of protein and carbs consumption and assisting in insulin regulation.

B. Sum up studies on the various factors that lead to illness:

  • Carbohydrate restriction and insulin control.
  • Sickness and excessive protein intake.

C. There seems to be a link involving the ketogenic diet and a reduction in factors that may lead to Alzheimer’s, obesity, or multiple sclerosis, according to studies.


This research paper outline gives a detailed framework for performing a thorough and well-planned investigation. The introduction establishes the context by outlining the research challenge, aims, and importance of the investigation. 

The literature review examines existing ideas carefully and finds holes that the study seeks to remedy. The study technique section describes the strategy used, data-gathering approaches, and analytic methodologies used to ensure the result’s validity and accuracy.

The results part clearly and concisely conveys the significant findings, while the debate section evaluates and contrasts them to past studies. By adhering to this guideline, researchers may successfully convey their findings and make substantial improvements to their particular disciplines.

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