Easy Steps to Put Together a Fantastic Narrative Essay

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When we speak about Narrative essay writing, is one of the most common forms of academic writing. Be it a school, college, or educational institution; teachers almost always assign you a narrative essay. 

Knowing how to write a brilliant narrative essay is key to securing some of the best academic grades. In this article, we will explore the easy steps to writing a well-crafted essay. The essential purpose of narrative essays is to help you get a view of a captivating story. 

This might sound easy, but once you start, you begin to face challenges, which is why we are here to help you. Narrating a story that captures the attention of the audience can be quite a task. To aid you in how to write a successful story with all the catches, our essay writers are here to guide you through. 

What Is A Narrative Essay?

A narrative essay is a piece of writing that aims to narrate a story. As the narrator, your main goal while writing an essay is to create vivid experiences and the correct ambiance which will involve the reader with your account.

Remember, while penning down your narrative essay, it is written from the point of view of the first person. You will need to put the audience as the focal point of your plot and keep them engrossed. This way, they are with you in the story you are sharing with them.

To make sure that you are maintaining the tempo of the essay, ensure that it is filled with evocative details and detailed descriptions, etc., for a better understanding and a clear picture you are trying to convey. 

What is challenging about a narrative essay is that it is prohibited lengthwise. To be great, you will need to cut down the complex story to some central points that can come within a short essay. What’s more, you need to provide the details in that limited length and keep readers hooked. 

What Is The Purpose Of A Narrative Essay?

When you think that a story needs to be told, there is no better way to express it than by putting down a narrative essay. Your main idea is to educate the reader about real-life experiences. Besides this, you are also telling them why it matters and why are you telling them your story in the first place. 

What sets your narrative essay apart from other kinds of writing? In this kind of essay, you tell your story and do not argue, analyze, or convince the reader. You tell them a report wherein they are free to have their own opinion at the same time. This is what makes this academic essay so exciting and unique in its way.

Types Of Narrative Essays We Must Know About

There are two kinds of Narrative essays you can approach:

Descriptive Narrative Essay 

This is the most creative way of writing a narrative essay wherein you can fill your writing with detailed descriptions, situations, or memory with details. You can use your imagination freely here. 

The author must be able to create a lifelike picture by invoking the senses of the audience. So, make it to the point. An expert essay writer will cut to the chase and avoid any frills or complexities that confuse the reader. 


This type of narrative essay encourages you to share a scoop from your personal experiences. This must concentrate on a particular episode or an event. Unlike focusing on descriptive details, this kind of writing should speak about the story and its purpose as a whole.

Narrative Essay Characteristics In A Nutshell

Here are some fundamental elements that make a successful narrative essay:

  • Non-fiction is about the experiences that occurred. 
  • It is written from the point of view of the author, who is the first person
  • It has all the characteristics of a story but follows a basic structure
  • Information is stated in a chronological order
  • Plenty of details about an individual, scene, or an event
  • Not meant to argue or teach but to state the story to the reader

Few Topics You Can Pick From For A Narrative Essay.

These are some of the elements your professor will look into while reading through your narrative essay:

  • Conflict or a Challenge: An provoking event that sets the pace of the story in progress.
  • Protagonist: A central character that battles all the obstacles against everything.
  • Evolution: Coming through this challenge as a victor brings growth and change in the protagonist. 

Here are a couple of topics you can work on:

  • Taking on a challenge 
  • Conquering your fear
  • Something you have explored or learned 
  • A Lively moment 
  • An experience that thrilled you 
  • A time when you took a stand for yourself
  • A relationship learning
  • An act of rebellion 

These are numerous topics that students pick for writing a fantastic narrative essay. How about adding your own experiences of life and making it engaging to read? 

Putting Shape To A Narrative Essay 

The structure and format of a narrative essay are of a standard kind. This comprises a 5 paragraph essay outline. This will contain a one-paragraph introduction, preceding three body paragraphs with the last paragraph of the essay forming the conclusion. 

Introduction: This will be the opening sentence that has to hook the reader right from the start. This shall state the entire purpose of your narrative essay. 

Leading Body Paragraph 1: Be prepared for the action

Leading Body Paragraph 2: This is where you bring the climax

Leading Body Paragraph 3: The part of falling action

Conclusion: What have you learned from the essay, or what have you taken away from the story?

An Outline Of A Narrative Essay  

Before you write a narrative essay, you need to know how to begin. This kind of academic writing will ask you to follow a string of actions:

  1. Discuss the ideas
  2. Choose an apt topic 
  3. Describe the aim of your essay
  4. Design your story – With the rising action, climax, and eventual conclusion
  5. Craft an outline 

When you pen down your story in the form of steps, it flows better and makes it easier for you to write. 


The opening paragraph of your essay should be able to achieve three objectives:

  1. Your first step in writing the introduction is to captivate the attention of the reader. Grip their focus on the first line of your introduction itself. For an impressive hook line, you can take the assistance of a fact, quote, question, or an intriguing statement. 
  2. Create the scene in a manner that the reader knows what is happening. But that does not mean you divulge all the details in that sentence. Please keep it for later. Just give a peek into what is about to come. If you do not do this, you will fail to keep the intrigue alive. 
  3. Explain the purpose of your writing the essay. In the last portion, the introduction should give an insight into what the story is all about. 

Thesis Statement Of The Narrative Essay

The thesis statement of your essay is pivotal and should be present in the introduction part of the essay and the conclusion of it as well. This will intensify the effectiveness of the essay. Your thesis is your central argument, so it must be a fact or a truth rather than a suggestion or a recommendation. 

The Main Body Of Your Essay

This is the most crucial part of your essay, where you entertain the reader with details and facts and guide them through the plot. Ensure 4 points while doing the same. 

  • Incorporate all the expressive details wherein you set the mood by creating the scene for your reader. 
  • Throw in some exciting and impactful dialogues to add the dramatic element. 
  • Arrange the timeline in chronological order making it easier for the reader. 


The final comments of your narrative essay should be reserved to be written in the conclusion part of your essay. If your body has some vital details or points, you can reinstate them in this part of your story. 

Examples Of A Narrative Essay For College 

Your narrative essay story will rely mainly on the needs of your institution. These are the qualities that teachers look for in a Narrative essay.

  • The capability to adapt to various situations
  • Potential for creating problem-solving
  • The capacity to learn from mistakes

Your essay work should exhibit these qualities mentioned above irrespective of whether your essay is for a college application or even, for that matter, a class assignment.

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