Equality Between Man And Woman

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By Anonymous
Published Jan 19, 2023

Women have fought for equal rights throughout history, and those struggles continued long after women gained the right to vote. Women’s suffrage was an important milestone in the fight for equality, but by then women had already started advocating for other things. 

As well as the suffragettes who followed them, the Salem Witch Trials have had a significant impact on the rights of women. The rise of mass literacy was also an important part of equality for women—before it, most European countries still did not allow a say in political matters or voting opportunities for women.

Before women could go out into society and work their way up to their dream careers, they were often precluded from formal education with few exceptions without even being aware of the injustice that lay before them. 

Until now, they found themselves having to help in two very specific areas: staying home for taking care of their children, cooking and washing dishes, and cleaning homes. While men worked outside of the household. 

Women fought for true parity and autonomy over a long period of time – far longer than many people realize – including those who didn’t favor woman’s rights. 

The Trials also known as the Witchcraft Trials of 1692, was a powerful movement that changed how women were viewed in many ways. They lasted for about four months and consisted of over 20 people. What started it all was a few girls who claimed to be attacked by the devil. When these accusations spread, hysteria spread through colonial America, and eventually, the trials ended in 1693.

When the trials slowed and turned public in September 1692, Bridget Bishop became the first witch to be executed. Eighteen more followed shortly after her. By October 1693, it became clear that these witches were innocent. Everyone, including Bridget Bishop, was released from prison after the trials ended.

Women were targeted during the Salem Trials. Women had to take care of many things such as cooking, taking care of children and animals, serving food for the community, being a wife and widow, or even just working or getting married. 

Before witchcraft was claimed to have power over people’s health and lives, women were often blamed when someone died because of the work they had to do after someone died. Her sister, Sara Bishop, was also accused of witchcraft since they said she bribed her sisters to accuse Bridget of witchcraft.

Although it was forbidden for women to display masculine characteristics when they were being persecuted for witchcraft, there were female witches as well. Among them was John Alden Jr, a man who battled Satan. Although men have been accused of witchcraft in the past, the focus has largely been on women. You’ll find out why the popular saying “Boys are Stronger than Girls” hasn’t worked.

Women felt marginalized as they weren’t given the freedom to speak their minds, especially during the time of the Salem Witch Trials. However, this was a moment that many women overcame and fought for the rights that they should’ve had all along. When it comes to judgment, women today have more freedom than in previous generations.

In 1796, five women began lunch with the intention of asserting their rights, but things ended up going in a very different direction. A few weeks later, they gathered in Seneca Falls and signed the “Declaration of Sentiments,” which called for equal treatment for women. The manifesto was adopted at a convention for women seeking to discuss their rights.

In 1826, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, an advocate for women’s rights, prepared a statement of her own called “Declaration of Sentiments.” In it she repeated the same lines that our country’s founding document states: All men and women are created equal. Her proposal called for equal voting rights and college opportunities for women.

With its 121st anniversary, Oberlin College is a famous college. Three women were given an education at this small liberal arts college in 1831: Antoinette Brown, Lucy Stone, and Sarah G. Out of all graduates, Antoinette Brown was the first woman to graduate from the school. Her goal was to be an American minister while she attended the school.

As a result of their marriage, she met Samuel Blackwell and married him shortly thereafter.

Early feminists started advocating for women’s political rights and equality, which was just as important as the fight for male blood that would lead to evolutionary theory. Darwin’s conclusions about evolution did not account for women according to Ruth Murray. Specifically, the American Association of the Advancement of Science saw this unjust decision, and so they began to champion more opportunities for females to educate themselves. So, how gender equality plays a key role in building a nation stronger and helps women to get their deserved rights.

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How Gender Equality creates a Nation?

Just because women are women, they shouldn’t be treated differently. A lot has changed in the past with all the different movements and events to ensure every woman is treated equally. These historical events have had a big impact on women’s rights, which helped shape the world today. The Salem Witch Trials, just one example among so many, was an important event that led to all of this progress.

It’s important that every country has equal opportunities and rights for the men and women living in it, to avoid extreme consequences and make the most of success. When women are able to fully express themselves, they can get outside of their houses without feeling socially stigmatized. Girls now compete with boys in school as well as on the job market.

In the past, women were traditionally barred from working outside of their homes while men sustained the family income. Now that the world is a much safer place and society has progressed exponentially, this outdated social definition is irrelevant and unproductive. Women should be able to work outside of their homes, pursue their passions and help make economic balance in their families. This will bring greater prosperity to countries around the world.

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American Civil War, Salem Witch Trials, Social Issues, Witchcraft, Womens Rights


Society, Social Issues

Academic Level





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American Civil War, Salem Witch Trials, Social Issues, Witchcraft, Womens Rights


Society, Social Issues

Academic Level





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