Essay on Photosynthesis

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By Anonymous
Published Jan 12, 2023

Plants are able to derive energy from the interaction between carbon dioxide and water (known as photosynthesis) to survive. They use sunlight to make those conversions happen. For humans, this means that we eat plants and some other organisms like algae so our bodies can use the resources produced during photosynthesis.

Jan Ingenhousz was a British physician and scientist who discovered photosynthesis. Another scientist that played a huge role in discovering photosynthesis is Joseph Priestley. He found out how plants are able to make energy like animals. He also discovered the process of cellular respiration within plants, which is how they obtain needed materials for growth. Dark areas – like caves or sewers during the day – will often contain higher levels of oxygen due to the absence of carbon dioxide.

Photosynthesis has two stages- the light stage, in which plants make NADPH and ATP when the sun is shining; and the dark stage. During this phase, plants make NADPH and ATP using stored-up energy from other sources. The dark reactions occur during the dark stage, which begins when too much carbon dioxide is present in plants for long periods due to removing them from light. Because of the need for CO2 in your photosynthesis equation, you’ll need sources like trees or plants to make it happen.

Some cells use oxygen to break down sugar and absorb energy. Plants use the process of respiration to release energy in their cells. This is the opposite of photosynthesis, in which plants make their own food from sunlight. Plants take up nutrients during respiration and their cellular systems do not die. In the body, oxygen and glucose will react together to create carbon dioxide, water, heat, and energy.

Photosynthesis, the conversion of sunlight into chemical energy, is one of the most crucial processes on earth. Without photosynthesis, humans wouldn’t be alive today. Over 1/3 of oxygen and even more food would not be produced because there would be no light from plants to match that amount. This process takes place in cells of plant leaves (chlorophyll), which creates glucose and oxygen faster than respiration can consume all of the oxygen produced.

Photosynthesis is when organisms use other substances like sunlight and water to convert carbon dioxide into sugars. One of the many processes that happen in photosynthesis is the Calvin cycle, which takes place in the chloroplast stroma. This cycle does not require direct sunlight and does not need light for activation. ATP and NADPH are products of light reactions, ATP releases energy that powers all other processes within the chloroplast, and NADPH acts as a catalyst to transform carbon dioxide into glucose (sugar).

Plants don’t have the ability to photosynthesize in the dark so instead, they rely on cellular respiration. This is the process plants first use carbon dioxide from light-dependent reactions and turn it into glucose.

Photosynthesis is a process that all living organisms undergo, but it involves a lot of important steps. The first step is the plant pulling up nutrients from the ground to utilize carbon dioxide and oxygen as they need them. The next step is creating food molecules so your plant can grow and produce sugar continuously. These energy molecules are then used by mitochondria to produce energy that keeps cellular processes running smoothly.

Photosynthesis is a process that uses light energy to carry out chemical reactions. For the process to be effective, light energy and oxygen must be present. In order for ATP and NADPH to be produced during a light reaction, there need to be enough photons. Electromagnetic radiation or emissions require plenty of photons in order to exist anywhere in nature.

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Photosynthesis was finally understood when the study of photosynthetic biology eventually began in the late 1930s following observations made by a Dutch biologist named Cornelis Van Niel. They observed similarities in different plant and microbial metabolic pathways and suggested that hydrogen atoms are transferred from hydrogen sulfide to water.

You may not know it, but plants need photosynthesis in order to stay alive. They also need it in order to grow leaves and stems, as well as reproduce. It is the process by which they convert light into chemical energy that is stored in sugars and starches in order to survive.

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Cellular Respiration, Chemistry, Photosynthesis, Plant



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Cellular Respiration, Chemistry, Photosynthesis, Plant



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