Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet’s Death Essay?

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By Theodore Hammond
Published Apr 13, 2023

The blame can be placed on Romeo and Juliet’s romantic relationship and instant love. These two teenagers were so immature they did not take time to think about their actions before acting upon them. We will learn more about whom to blame in this who is to blame for romeo and juliet’s death essay.

They were not thinking clearly in the powerful setting of a feud between two families, Montague and Capulet. Then there is Friar Lawrence, who devised an insane plan for the two lovers to escape judgment through death instead of life.

The Prince should also shoulder some blame for his lack of settling the dispute among these families that caused Romeo’s outburst in act three scene one when Tybalt killed Mercutio. To summarize, there are multiple people responsible for the tragedy that claimed Romeo’s and Juliet’s lives: namely the family servants, Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence, and even Prince Escalus himself, who failed to keep control over security within Verona – ultimately leading to this disaster.

In addition, Romeo and Juliet also share some of the blame for their death. If they were not so impulsive in their decision-making, tragedy could have been avoided. For instance, when they got married, neither of them informed their families or got their blessing, which increased tensions between both houses.

Moreover, Juliet’s naivety is also seen when she seeks help from Friar Lawrence to reunite her with Romeo without considering the consequences of marrying someone outside their feuding families. Additionally, Juliet does not think about how this decision would affect her family and how it could potentially cause a greater rift between them – which it does.

Ultimately, Juliet’s impulsiveness leads to tragedy as Romeo discovers that she has died and kills himself in grief due to his lack of knowledge of the actual situation, which was brought upon by Juliet’s recklessness and disregard for potential danger.

Juliet decides to go with the Capulet’s servant when Romeo begs her not to, wanting her to stay, but she doesn’t. If Peter had never asked for help and Juliet had listened to Romeo, things would have been much different.

Romeo’s cousin tried to reason with him, telling him that Rosaline held no blame and that the power of love made Romeo do what he did. But Romeo refused to listen, convinced even then that his fate was in her hands because of his foolishness. He couldn’t see what good had come from it, only pain and heartache.

All this adds merit to the theory that Rosaline caused Romeo’s downfall by creating so much heartache for him as she didn’t care about his feelings yet fuelled them with her words. As a result, this created an emotional disconnect that led Romans deeper into despair before finally meeting Juliet, resulting in their death as ‘star-crossed lovers.’

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A series of tragic miscommunications throughout the play cause Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. Between their parents’ feuding families, Friar Lawrence’s plan to reunite them going awry, and Peter Capulet’s ill-fated misinterpretation of events that sealed their fate, Romeo and Juliet die as martyrs to an accident of circumstance.

In particular, Peter provided the final domino needed for the tragedy to become complete; if he had understood his instructions clearly from Lady Capulet, things might have worked out differently. His lack of attention or understanding resulted in him arriving too late with news that might have saved both Romeo and Juliet before it was too late.

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Death, Romeo and Juliet



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Undergraduate, Postgraduate




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Death, Romeo and Juliet



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