As a student, you are likely to have to write an essay throughout high school, college, and university. In fact, the essay will have a constant presence throughout your academic life. Most students usually agree that writing can range from very easy to moderately complex. However, choosing an essay topic can be tricky.
It is usually tempting for students to write about something they are passionate about. Although there is nothing like a right or wrong choice when it comes to picking the greatest topic, there are various factors to consider.
After a significant amount of writing experience, it becomes clear that certain topics suit better with specific categories than others; this implies that your topic of discussion should be picked only after determining the type of essay you must write.
Choosing an essay topic can be tedious for many reasons, so we’re here to help you with some good essay ideas which you can choose from.
But before presenting the interesting essay topics, we’ll provide some excellent tips on how to choose essay topic ideas.

Expert Hints On Choosing Good Essay Topics
Nothing is more crucial in writing than the essay topic you select. The essay topic concept is the backbone of your paper, and if it is poor, you will struggle to create the impact you want. Here are a few tips to help you select excellent essay writing topics:
- The best topic ideas are those that you are most enthusiastic about. Writing the essay will be excruciating if you are uninterested in your subject. However, writing it will be a breeze if you actually appreciate the topic.
- Another factor to consider while deciding on an essay topic is your audience. Consider excluding highly technical and specialist issues if your audience has little to no understanding of the subject.
- Your topics for the essay must be something intriguing and fascinating. Put yourself in your reader’s position and evaluate what might rouse their interest.
- Appropriateness, Appeal, and Ability are the three most essential elements to consider while selecting a topic. Although these three variables are interconnected, focus on each one of them to handle the topic’s strengths and shortcomings.
- Choose a topic that can be adequately discussed in the length of your essay. For instance, you’ll not be able to address your issue thoroughly or fascinatingly if it is too broad. If your topic is too small, you may not have enough material to write about and may struggle to identify research resources.
These are some of the hints from experts on choosing topics for essays. Follow these tips to steer clear of common mistakes that one may commit when choosing a topic.
Categorized Essay Topics
Your essay topic completely depends on the type of essay that you write. Thus, every student should be familiar with the following four major formats of essay writing:
Persuasive Writing (Group 1) – The central theme of this essay style is to defend a POV on a specific topic that you have chosen. This category includes argumentative, research, and persuasive essays.
Expository Writing (Group 2) – This essay type focuses on presenting facts and enlightening the reader about a specific topic or idea. It includes Cause and Effect, Research, Informative, and Expository essays.
Descriptive Writing (Group 3) – This style requires the writer to channel their inner artist in order to convey an idea, describe a concept, and so on. And the essay category includes definition and descriptive essays.
Narrative Writing (Group 4) – This less prevalent but still very present writing style demands the author to relate a tale or describe a process (something in chronological order). The essay category includes narrative, process, and personal writing.
Here are some cool topics to research under various essay styles:
Good Essay Topics on Argumentative Essays
Argumentative essays typically are about arguments for and against a particular issue. Usually, you can balance the arguments on both sides of the subject or offer extensive support to one side alone, depending on the author’s intentions and personal ideas. Below are some excellent essay ideas for your benefit:
- Do we have a fair tax system that benefits everyone in society?
- Does one have a promising career in blogging?
- Is social media invading our privacy?
- Should animal testing be banned? What is your opinion on it?
- Do you think capital punishment is justified?
- Should abortion be made illegal? (Or legal)
- Do you think America is ready for a female President?
- Is the dependency on the Internet doom for humanity?
- Do you think the press violates the privacy of celebrities?
- Is consumerism a significant problem for the world?
- Do you agree that there are moral concerns that make genetic cloning illegal?
- Is it true that food companies control the diet of people?
- Should women have access to family planning and birth control?
- Do you think that there must be reforms in gun laws across America?
- Should recycling be made mandatory?
- How did the American Civil War shape the country for the better or, the worse?
- Do you think homework helps kids learn?
- Is it better for kids to study at home or in school?
- Is it preferable for three generations of a family to live together?
- Are hot dogs unhealthy?
Research Essay Topics
A research essay examines a topic using the works of scientists and researchers. In this essay, you generally get to share your own opinion on a problem after describing what others say about it. One can also agree or disagree with the opinions of the scholars. Here are some ideas for research papers:
- Impact of sexual harassment in the workplace
- The repercussions of doctor negligence
- What does patriotism signify in different cultures?
- Alternative energy sources
- Rates of divorce among young couples
- The importance of family values in a person’s life
- Traditional medicine vs. alternative medicine
- The study of stem cells
- Body positivity among teenagers’
- Conservation of endangered species
- Capitalism vs. socialism
- Is healthcare a right or a privilege?
- Should the United States continue drone strikes in other countries?
- Was it justified for the United States to go to war with Iraq?
- How to reconcile the Israeli-Palestinian issue?
- The advantages and disadvantages of animal testing
- Do professional athletes have the right to remain seated during the national anthem?
- Discuss the key contrasts between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance in terms of art.
- Examine the impact of a prominent artist on the globe.
- How has the media’s representation of minorities changed?
Topics For A Good Persuasive Essay
Persuasive and argumentative essays may sound similar to many students, but there is one significant difference: the reasoning style used to defend one’s point of view. While argumentative essays use reasoning and data to illustrate their points, persuasive writing relies on emotions and morality to persuade readers.
Both of these writing approaches could cover the same topic. However, the distinction will lie in the approach used to convey their point of view. Here are some topics that you can select for your next assignment:
- Do you think animal cloning is ethical?
- Should school breaks be longer?
- Do you think prostitution must be prohibited?
- Do you think microchipping your pet is good?
- What is your view on hunting animals?
- Your view on standardized tests
- Explain your take on autism and vaccination
- Do you think reducing calories leads to weight loss?
- Why is physical education important in each grade level?
- Human activity is the primary cause of global warming
- How can we prevent species extinction?
- Euthanasia should be made legal
- Everyone should exercise to stay healthy
- Children must minimize screen time
- Growing up in a single-parent home has long-term effects
- What is the impact of the tax system on the wealthy
- Should every public location provide free WiFi to the public?
- When should adoption be prohibited?
- Human trafficking must be prosecuted harshly
- Does listening to music reduce homework productivity?
Essay Topics Based On Narrative Essays
In this type of essay, you get to talk about your experiences and give a remarkable, intriguing, sad, or hilarious story. Details are important in this essay type.
You can imagine yourself as a writer while composing a narrative essay.
In fact, one of the goals is to construct a picture for the reader with your own words.
Choosing a story that you remember well and can recall even the slightest details about is preferable. Here are some excellent narrative essay topics suggestions:
- The turning point in your life
- When you were forced to make a poor choice
- The most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make
- Getting misplaced in the city
- Putting yourself in danger for someone else
- Your first flight experience
- Most recent travel adventure
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
- How did you meet your close friend for the first time?
- The death of a pet that altered your life
- The very first book you ever read
- Your first-time driving experience
- What is your worst memory?
- Your family’s customs
- Your greatest apprehension
- How do you unwind over the weekend?
- The most humiliating circumstance you’ve ever been in
- The most amusing story about you and your brother
- A memorable summer camp story
- What do you enjoy about school?
Topics on Expository Essays
The goal of an expository essay is to analyze a specific problem based on facts and research. In this section, you must explain how things are happening and describe the process or the cause and effect relationship.
Usually, there’s one main distinction between expository essays and other forms. It is that the argument you are attempting to prove is the result of a process of analysis rather than being based only on your research. Here are some excellent expository essay ideas for you:
- Why is it vital to graduate (or get an education)?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of student loans?
- How to open a credit card and what to look out for.
- How would you want to put an end to racism?
- University education system in the United States
- Consequences of gun control implementation
- How physical activity boosts overall well-being?
- What can young people do if they do not complete college?
- What are the ramifications of drug addiction?
- Is it possible to have ‘tolerance’? Does it function properly?
- How do you interpret the term “code of ethics”?
- Is there a concept of ‘honor’ in today’s society?
- What are the consequences of adolescent alcoholism?
- Would you abolish capital punishment, and why?
- Should you vote or not? Describe any potential consequences.
- What are most youngsters concerned about?
- Why is it vital to be empathetic to others?
- The psychological factors that contribute to smoking
- How do you overcome public speaking fear?
- How might class absences affect your college career?
Topics Related To Informative Essays
Informative essays are similar to research essays in that they give facts and educate readers on a particular topic. You don’t get to state what you think here. Instead, you discuss your issue and inform your reader about it. Here are some ideas for good essay topics:
- The Civil War and its importance in American History
- The civil rights struggle and its consequences
- Racism in the United States
- Slavery in the United States: A History
- Stress’s causes and long-term effects
- Why do we procrastinate? Tips to avoid it
- Milky way: How to find it in the night sky?
- Child maltreatment and its impact on character development
- The Aftermath of WWII
- History of paralympic games
- Cybercrime and how to avoid becoming a victim
- The Solar System and its Subsystems
- What is ADHD, and how does it affect people’s lives?
- The United States judicial system
- Is a college degree required for success?
- The reasons for the Vietnam War
- The function of expressionism in art
- How can recycling help save the environment?
- Hitler’s military strategy
- Obesity in children
Topics on Personal essays
Personal essays are autobiographical anecdotes written in a warm or intimate tone. The tone of such an essay is typically conversational and reflects the writer’s personality. It usually conveys the feelings you’ve felt as a result of certain events or experiences that have happened to you. Below of some personal essay topics for your use:
- What has been your biggest disappointment?
- Your drive for success
- Give an account of someone unique in your life
- A time when you were courageous
- The happiest event of your life
- A time when you were deceived
- Someone who irritates you
- A particular location that has a special place in your heart
- What is your favorite season?
- A time when you felt terribly alone
Descriptive Essay Topic Ideas
Descriptive essays are similar to narrative essays. That is, they pay greater attention to detail but have less action. All of the themes for a descriptive essay are based on your personal experiences and memories. Thus, you need to convey a sense of feeling in this kind of writing. Go through the essay topics below to get some ideas:
- Which is the best city that you have been to?
- The most recent nightmare you experienced
- Given an account of your childhood home
- What was your strangest travel experience?
- Talk about something or someone very special to you
- Describe a place that exists purely in your imagination
- Discuss the most embarrassing circumstance you’ve ever been in
- Give an account of your favorite memories
- Describe your favorite museum
- Your most memorable birthday
- What gorgeous scenery you have ever seen
- The most memorable school day
- Discuss and describe one of your buddies
- Describe yourself to someone you’ve never met before
- Discuss your favorite sport and your experience at a live game
Essay Topics On Compare and Contrast Essays
Compare and contrast essays demonstrate your ability to identify parallels and contrasts between two or more topics or points of view. This essay style is reasonably simple because you get to convey your ideas rather than simply presenting facts.
You can draw similarities and evaluate the relationships between objects while presenting your distinct point of view to the reader. Here are some essay topics to inspire you:
- Is a movie better than a book?
- Capitalism vs. Communism
- Apple vs. Microsoft
- McDonald’s and Burger King: Explain how these two fast-food restaurants are similar and distinct
- Horror films vs. comedies
- Which do you prefer: public schools or homeschooling?
- What makes Snapchat and Instagram alike (or different)?
- Which technology is the future: virtual reality or augmented reality?
- Carnivorism vs. veganism
- Differences between the educational systems in the United States and the United Kingdom
- Traditional shopping vs. online shopping
- Who is the greater villain, Stalin or Hitler? Explain the aspects of their managerial style that were similar.
- Which would you prefer: living in the city or in the country?
- Who is cooler: Chandler, Joey, or Ross?
- Lord of the Rings vs. Game of Thrones
Topics on Definition essays
A definition essay’s purpose is to define a term. These writings, for the most part, deal with abstract concepts. The terms usually have no specific definitions and might vary based on culture or personality. Here are some ideas for definition essays:
- What is faith? Please explain
- How do you define success?
- Explain the institution of marriage
- Explain power and its place in your life
- Is wisdom different from knowledge? Explain your answer
- Do you support having mobiles inside the classroom?
- What is your opinion on school uniforms? Should they be made mandatory?
- What is global warming? What are its causes?
- What is freedom of speech?
- Define male chauvinism with examples
- What are feminism and the women’s suffrage movement?
- Define friendship and its role in your life
- Define nihilism in detail
- What is optimism? Is it necessary to lead life?
- Define spirituality. How is it different from religion?
Essay Topics On Controversial Essays
These are inherently controversial essays. Usually, when you take up this type of topic, there is no 100% guarantee that you’ll persuade your readers to stand by your opinion. And that is the reason they are controversial. Here are some topics for your reference:
- Do you think abortion should be legalized?
- Is prostitution illegal?
- Should gun control laws be more strict?
- Should LGBTQ+ people have the same rights as heterosexual people?
- Should the use of marijuana for therapeutic purposes be legalized?
- Do you think 18 is the right age to vote?
- Are intercultural marriages acceptable to society?
- Should smoking be permitted in public places?
- Should everyone pay the same amount of taxes?
- Should smoking be prohibited?
Topics on Process Essays
Process essays are nothing but explanations given to the reader on how something is done. Usually while writing a process essay, you first describe the subject or topic and then explain the method step by step. The steps can be precise and progressive.
On the contrary, it can simply be an explanation for a series of acts that do not occur in sequence. Have a look at some essay topics below:
- The process of starting a new business
- How to cook a healthy and delicious meal?
- How to drive a bike?
- Steps to writing an article
- How to save money?
- Steps to draw an animal
- Procedure to create an email
- How to achieve success in learning?
- How to reduce weight in simple steps?
- How to bake a cake?
Funny Argumentative Essay Topics
Humor is an excellent tool to get your readers hooked and pique their interest. If there’s a way to spice things up, you can do so with the correct dose of humor. Here are some fun topics that you may want to try:
- How can your video gaming skills help you earn a job?
- Reasons to love spam emails
- What difference will flying automobiles make in our lives?
- Why are school dropouts more famous?
- Imagine if animals were in charge of the earth
- What if professors and students switched roles?
- A dog’s perspective on the world
- Is it mandatory to pass the driving test?
- Do you love it when your computer hangs up?
- How to end a relationship?
So, these are some essay styles and essay topics that you can refer to in times of your need.
Overall, choosing an essay topic can be time-consuming. While there is nothing like a perfect topic, you can choose an exciting topic to hook your readers to your write-up.
Moreover, the essay topics provided in this article can also be used to write your essay assignments. If you find it difficult, just simply give a “write my essay” request on our homepage and you will get the requested essays within the deadline.