Natural Disasters Essay: Everything You Need to Know

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By Anonymous
Published Jan 10, 2023

As many say, the only disaster in life we cannot avoid is nature. We may have all the resources ready, but it would be tough to battle nature when it strikes us. 

Natural Disaster refers to all the natural hazards, be they extreme or sudden events caused by environmental, geological, or atmospheric factors. Natural disasters cause significant risks and damage the environment, property, wildlife, and human lives. Whenever a natural disaster occurs, the Natural Disaster Management Team of the city or country must be alerted to the possible impact or damage it might cause. 

Natural disasters also affect the functioning of a working infrastructure, interrupt normal daily activities, and represent a risk for residents and workers in affected areas. Suppose we dig deep into the context of a natural disaster. In that case, we can grasp the complexities of a given disaster and come up with a shared solution to prevent the possibility of having to experience more significant damage. 

Types of Natural Disasters

Out of all the many natural disasters we experience, Here is the list of the most common and severe natural disasters:

  1. Tornadoes

Tornadoes are known for violently rotating columns that carry vital, thunderstorm-like air that hits the ground. Tornadoes are highly disastrous to buildings and cars and can create deadly flying debris.

  1. Hurricanes and Tropical/Severe Storms

A hurricane occurs when a tropical cyclone reaches or exceeds the maximum sustained wind speeds of 33 m/s. Tropical or Severe Storms are classified when the maximum sustained surface wind speed ranges between 17.5 m/s and 32.5 m/s. Both bring moderate to intense wind and rain and can cause significant damage to any property and threaten any form of life.

  1. Flood

A flood is overflowing water from any body of water to naturally dry land. This is an effect of bad weather conditions, hurricanes, storms, or dams and levees breaking. Floods may occur within minutes or after a long period and may last days, weeks, or longer. Floods can be damaging to both our health and livestock.

  1. Wildfires

Wildfires are usually caused by lightning or the effect of human activities. Wildfires happen due to arid conditions such as droughts. Around 50% of recorded droughts are unknown how they started. Wildfires can cause harm to wild resources and animals.

  1. Earthquakes

An earthquake is a phenomenon where two blocks of the earth’s surface suddenly slip past one another or collide. Earthquakes can also happen as a sign of volcanic activity or eruption. The intensity of an earthquake can be measured, but signs of whether an earthquake will occur in a specific place are still unknown. Earthquakes are one of the deadliest natural disasters. 

Did You Know?

Tunguska Event of 1908

In 1908, a large and powerful explosion happened above the Taiga Northern Forest near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in central Siberia. This explosion was caused by an incoming comet or meteorite. According to the follow-up investigation, the explosion was a thousand times more potent than the atomic blast that destroyed Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945. This phenomenon was added to the rarest natural disasters that have ever happened in the world. 


There is no way we can prevent the occurrence of these natural disasters. The only thing we could do is to lessen the damages it would cause. Knowing the possible threats might help you save lives. Natural Disasters doesn’t only destroy houses and other infrastructures but also cause physical and mental health impact.

It must be a priority to investigate people’s exposure to natural hazards, which populations are most vulnerable, and research for effective practices in reducing vulnerability.

Sample Details


Tornadoes, Hurricanes and Tropical/Severe Storms, Flood, Wildfires,Earthquakes, Tunguska Event of 1908


Environmental Issue, Natural Disaster essays

Academic Level

Undergraduate, Post Graduate




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Sample Details


Tornadoes, Hurricanes and Tropical/Severe Storms, Flood, Wildfires,Earthquakes, Tunguska Event of 1908


Environmental Issue, Natural Disaster essays

Academic Level

Undergraduate, Post Graduate




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